The Vole -- Pretend Boaters
Hugh Baton has been getting some flack (on behalf of AV(2010)PLC .... Matt) from various publications and internet sites. In a meeting he brushed much of the criticism aside claiming most of it was from people "pretending" to be boaters.
Now this set me thinking. Who does AV (or Hugh Baton) regard to be real boaters ?
You can rule out continuous cruisers and liveaboards for a start.(AV hates them for using the system...Matt). Surely the hire boats / time-share / shared ownerships must be excluded too. Then, what about the folk who only venture onto the cut a couple weeks a year ? Who is there left to be "real boaters"?
I suspect the answer may be all or none of these. You see dear boater AV sees the "real boater" as someone who has deep pockets and more money than sense......