The Vole -- Marina Meeting
The meeting didn't get off to a very good start. Ivor Wrench Head of Engineering couldn't make it and fielded a subordinate. This chap (Harry Postlethwaite) had the temerity to speak and then came out with this wonderful pearl of wisdom:-
"Why don't you spread them around the system and build them on crap land that's fit for nowt"
That blew the agenda out of the window and Marketing spent the next two hours trying to explain it wasn't that easy ! (Oh yes it is ..... Matt). Nobody was convinced though.
"Building marinas close to existing marinas is a safe bet as it shows there is demand"
"That's bloody daft, there's next to nowt on the Shroppie it's all sodding on-line mooring"
" Have any of you lot been up the Shroppie?"
"Surveys as to the impact on boat traffic through certain locks will have to be carried out"
" Ask the boaters.... They'll tell you where the worst effin hold-ups are"
"That would mean we would have to consult our customers"
" We can get all that sort of stuff off the telemetry fitted to the locks anyway... what's the problem?"
And so it went on..... I reckon Harry could have sorted the whole problem in about a month.
Instead it was decided to appoint around 10 senior people to form a Marina Task Force with a £500K budget. (Ah Private industry is so efficient ! ... Matt).
Harry was overhead phoning Ivor after the meeting.....
"Waste of time boss..... Total bunch of winkers"
Unofficial minutes of the meeting ?